Monday, September 20, 2010

Yellowstone sample

Here's the Yellowstone sample that I also edited in class and touched up on at home.

my lighting/ painting samples

Here is the rest of my lighting and painting project, this was pretty hard, the setting I used in class worked better but I couldn't remember what that setting was . . . at least I know now to write things down in class so I won't forget!

Monday, September 13, 2010

My first painting with photoshop!

This was a lot of fun! I still have to do one more, but this one I did in class and I think I"m pretty happy with it. I guess I"m just not sure what else to do with it so I figured I'd just post it now. I'll probably re-post it later once I finish the second painted one.


And after -

My lighting project

I've never worked with lighting before, so this was really cool to learn finally. Maybe I'll get to be better than my dad and show him my mad skills . . .


And after . . .

last 3 Postcards!

Ok so yes these aren't perfect, but they all took me forever to do. I'm not so skilled at photoshop, I mainly used it to create sims by pasting real-life faces of people (actors etc) and forming them to a mesh. This is obviously completely different, and I don't think that I have ever even really touched up a picture using photoshop. My home photoshop version is also different from the school's and I noticed that it was lacking in some things.
Parental visits and birthday celebrations also do not help my editing skills . . . but these are the best that I could do with what I had. I know that next time I'll be able to do better.