Saturday, November 13, 2010

Illustrated text

Here's my purely illustration design. Instead of using my hometown, I used an artist's project name. I wish I'd used different text, but for some reason I couldn't find that helvetica text on my illustrator, and it didn't have a way of previewing it so it started out looking ok, then looked really childish after I bevelled it. I should've changed it right then rather than adding to it, cuz now I can't change it! >.<


  1. I like this! I really like the colors! It's like... OOOO pretty! Hahaha I like the way you did the lines in the background! I don't know if the circles make sense.... Maybe you could have scattered them better? Not sure.

  2. I agree, my problem was that I made them but I didn't have a background behind them, so they were white and the background was white . . . . but then of course I added it into this other background.
